Week 13 saw a lot of resting and recuperating from strep throat. And, once Aly was feeling better, Nana came back for another visit.
85/365: Quiet Time with Daddy
This was her first full day on antibiotics for strep so she was still feeling puny. She really just wanted to play puzzle games on her iPad and rest in bed, but started to get lonely in the afternoon and asked Daddy to snuggle with her. They then took turns working on puzzles together.
86/365: Story Time
When I ask her to pick out a story to read at bed time, this is the type of book she chooses. On this night, I asked if I could please pick out an actual story to read. She said I could. Then she said that I had to read it to myself so that she could read her science book in peace.
87/365: Snail Sanctuary
It was starting to feel like Spring outside and she was finally feeling like herself again so she went outside to play. Or build a "snail house" for her slimy little friends.
88/365: Helper with a Hammer
Chris and I were each working on last minute chores in preparation for Nana's visit and we gave her a choice of helping Daddy in the backyard or helping Mommy hang pictures upstairs. She chose to use her tools and help me. Her little pink hammer is basically the cutest thing ever.
89/365: Nana has Landed
This was a very busy day; beginning with swim lessons in the morning, a birthday party right after, then home for dinner with a couple of special guests: Auntie Steph and NANA!!! She wasted no time in showing Nana her new trampoline. And Nana jumped right in.
90/365: Custom Artwork
After social group therapy we went to have dinner at Auntie Steph and Uncle Paul's newly updated house. One of our favorite features is this chalk wall in their kitchen. They told Aly that she could draw a picture of whatever she wanted and, of course, she chose the solar system. Not only that, but she treated us to a lecture about each planet.
91/365: New Store
We went shopping at the mall with Nana and were curious about the new store that replaced Build-a-Bear. BAB was one of Aly's favorite places to go in and wander around, but I think she liked this place even better! It has lots of pretty gem stones and yoga paraphernalia, which is all her jam!!