2019 365 - Week 14

April 15, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Well this week's blog is a bit late (like a week late), but I am still shooting every day. It's the editing that is giving me problems, but my computer is getting a new SSD and RAM tomorrow so hopefully that will help speed things up!!


Without further ado, here is week 14!



92/365:  Sea World on Spring Break

We took Nana to Sea World during her Spring Break trip. It was fairly crowded, but the weather was great and we had a fun time taking Nana to exhibits that she hasn't seen before. The sea turtles and sharks were an especially big hit.



93/365:  Chill Day with Nana

We decided to take it easy and recover from the previous day's trip to Sea World. Nana also babysat Aly so that Chris and I could go out on a much-needed date night. 



94/365:  Adventure with Nana

The plan for the day was to go find wildflowers, but what we found was even better! A pretty, secluded little stream running alongside the trail that we chose. Aly had fun splashing in the water and I was SO thankful I brought along an extra outfit for her.



95/365:  Trampoline Time

Her Nana won't always be able to join her on the trampoline. So happy that we have these memories to look back and remember when she was able to say "yes" and jump in with her koala socks.



96/365:  Earth Day Event

Aly's Girl Scout Troop is working on completing one of their petal patches, which involves learning how to use their resources wisely. It just so happened that we were able to attend a local Earth Day event to learn more about taking care of our planet. Aly had fun but she said it was "overwhelming" because of all the people and activities. I am so proud of her for using her words and coping skills to avoid having a meltdown.



97/365:  Super Hero

Nana left on a Sunday, which is a crazy busy day for us. We attended church and social therapy group and then came home for some relaxing trampoline time. Repetitive movement, especially swinging and jumping, helps to counteract the effects of being overwhelmed. Days like today, when she had a lot of activity and feelings, usually leads to behaviors. However, jumping on the trampoline seems to make her feel calm and in control. This thing was the best investment ever.



98 and 99/365:  Zoo Field Trip


Aly's second field trip with her Kindergarten class was to the San Diego Zoo. The 6 Girl Scouts split from the rest of the class and did their own thing with their momma chaperones. This was another overwhelming day for Aly but I am so proud of her for using her coping skills and staying flexible. It made for a fun day.



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