Here's week 4! Oh, what a week! Aly is thriving with a regular school schedule and Girl Scout cookies have taken over our house!
22/365: Girl Scout
We hosted the Girl Scout cookie kickoff party at our house and I took the girls' headshots in their tunics. They are all so sweet and I am thrilled that Aly has a wonderful group of girls to grow with as sisters. I am maybe more thrilled that all their moms are freaking awesome! We share goals and responsibilities for this little Daisy troop and it feels like having one of those "tribes" that I hear so much about.
23/365: Smart Games
She loves playing this new game with us. Usually she will watch us flounder with a few pieces before brushing our hands aside, saying "I've got it", and promptly putting the rest into place with little hesitation.
24/365: Real Stethoscope
We were planning to take Aly to get her hair cut after school but Chris suffered a back spasm and we had to take him to urgent care. Aly was her usual charming, inquisitive self; asking the doctor questions until he showed her how his stethoscope worked. She was so enthralled that he brought another one for her to keep for herself.
25/365: 100th Day of School
The morning light is so pretty during school drop off so I decided to try taking some photos of Aly lined up with her classmates. However, this was the 100th day of school and the kids were so excited that no line ever formed. Aly's friend and Girl Scout sister usually stands close to her during morning drop-off since they both get to school fairly early. I love how this image captures Aly's manic frolicking while her sweet friend stands close by, waiting for her to pause and talk to her.
26/365: Book Store
Aly and I had a mommy-daughter day at the mall. We (finally) got her hair cut, went shopping for Auntie's birthday, had lunch, and browsed the book store. She could hang out here all day.
27/365: Sunset Silhouette
I have been waiting to try photos like this for a very long time. I am hooked!
28/365: Cookie Season
Girl Scout cookie season has begun again! She came home from school to piles of cookies, ready to be sold, and was so excited that we began canvassing the neighborhood while her ABA therapist was still with us. She sold out of her Samoas inventory in one day.